Annual General Meeting March 16th 2024

23 May 2024

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The AGM was held on March 16th at the hall, and was well attended by people from the village as well as the committee members.

Deb Tull highlighted the great success of the Friday Community Coffee morning which has proved very popular with the local community. There had been birthday celebrations, visits by police and fire service teams and there was a very positive feel to the session. Feedback from attendees has been glowing and is clear that what the session delivers aligns with the very heart of our founding principles. The Coronation celebration had built upon the coffee morning and had been both successful and enjoyable.

Presentation of the Annual report and financial accounts which showed that the hall was being run at cost. Many improvements had been made during the year in terms of the running of the hall. There are significant challenges ahead however, which will necessitate spend on the hall infrastructure and consequent fund raising.

Re-election of the officers, representatives and trustees for 2024/5:

Chair: Deb Tull (Trustee)
Vice-Chair: Peter Pollard (Trustee)
Minutes Secretary: Sue Lock (Trustee)
Treasurer: Edward Hayes
Single Bookings: Juliet Bailey (Trustee)
Maintenance: Dave Pughe (Trustee)
Publicity: Andy Farren (Trustee)
Regular Bookings: Monica Vondrasek Price
Bookings Team: Ketki Mistry

Community Representatives
Bowls Club: John Chapman
WI: Ingrid Cochrane (Trustee)
St Catharine’s Church: Rev Steve Ransley (Trustee)
Art Club and Friends of St Catharine’s: Sally Vincent

Deb Tull highlighted to all present that Ian Hill and Barbara Scase were both standing down from the Committee after many devoted years.  She offered a big vote of thanks to them both.

Andy Farren

Houghton Village Hall,
Main Street,

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